Prashanth Fertility Research Centre

White Discharge After IUI

White Discharge After IUI

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Experiencing certain symptoms after IUI is normal, and your doctor will mostly warn you about certain symptoms. However, you might still be anxious and worried if you experience certain symptoms.

One such symptom is experiencing white vaginal discharge after embryo transfer. Having vaginal discharge after insemination can make you worry if the IUI cycle was a success or failure.

In this article, we will look into all about vaginal discharge after IUI and which is normal and which is abnormal. We will also discuss a few other symptoms of a successful IUI pregnancy.

White Discharge After IUI: What Does It Mean?

Among the many symptoms you might experience after an IUI, having a white vaginal discharge will probably be one of the scariest for you. This is because most women think that the white discharge is actually the inseminated sperm spilling out from their vagina.

While this is not true, there might be other reasons to have white discharge after an insemination procedure. In most cases, white vaginal discharge is normal and won’t cause any side effects.

It might just be your natural cervical mucus or the residual fluids that are expelled after the IUI procedure. You only need to worry about vaginal discharge if the discharge is yellow or green in color with a foul smell.

Which Is Normal And Abnormal?

Vaginal discharge is normal after insemination. But there are also cases where vaginal discharge can indicate an infection or other complications. You should be able to differentiate and identify normal and abnormal vaginal discharge to get medical attention and treat the issue.

Let’s look at what a normal and abnormal vaginal discharge looks like.

Normal vaginal discharge

A normal vaginal discharge is your typical colorless, light yellow, or whity substance that has a thin, watery, or creamy consistency. The discharge is usually odorless or only has slight odor.

This discharge is usually the cervical mucus that is released due to hormone changes. It might also be the residual fluid of the IUI procedure.

Abnormal vaginal discharge

An abnormal vaginal discharge happens when you have any infection or complications in your reproductive system. The discharge appears green, yellow-gree, or gray in color with a thick, or cottage cheese-like consistency.

It also has a strong odor. You might also feel a burning sensation in your vagina or vulva. This condition is serious and you should immediately consult your doctor and get treated.

Why Do Some Women Experience This Condition?

There are many factors that can cause white discharge after insemination. Here are some of the most common causes. 

Cervical mucus

Your vaginal will regularly produce cervical mucus throughout your menstrual cycle. The color and consistency of the mucus changes according to your hormone levels.

After insemination, the hormonal changes and the invasive procedure can cause cervical mucus to be released from your vagina, which can appear like a white discharge.

Residual fluids

During insemination, the concentrated sperm will be mixed in a solution when it is being injected into your uterus. Some of this fluid might slip out of your uterus after the procedure, appearing like a white vaginal discharge.

Inflammation or iritation

Insemination is a minimally-invasive procedure. If you happen to get any inflammation or irritation due to the catheter, your body will release excess cervical mucus. This can also cause excess white discharge. 

Should I Treat This Condition?

As we discussed above, having white discharge after IUI is a normal occurrence and you don’t nee to get too worked up on the issue. They are a natural phenomenon and will reduce after a few days.

However, if you have abnormal vaginal discharge with the abnormal characteristics we discussed above, it is bet to visit your doctor immediately. They will diagnose your condition and treat your accordingly.

To be aware of what is normal and abnormal after IUI, you should first learn all about what happens after IUI day by day. Only then will you be able to identify the issue early and take the necessary steps with minimal implications to your pregnancy chances.

Few Success Symptoms

Here are some other positive signs after IUI that can indicate a positive pregnancy.

  • Vaginal bleeding or light spotting
  • Changes in breast tenderness
  • Frequent uriination
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue and tiredness
  • Vaginal discharge


Few Failure Symptoms

Here are a few symptoms that indicate a negative IUI cycle. You need to be mindful of these symptoms and visit your doctor if you experience any of these. 

  • A negative pregnancy test
  • Having your periods
  • Absence of the pregnancy symptoms we discussed above


It is normal for you to experience certain symptoms after an IUI treatment. Most of them will be cause by the hormonal and physical changes that happen in your body.

If you have any concerns or doubts regarding your symptoms after IUI. it is best to not wait around and immediately contact your fertility hospital. The doctors and nurses there will help you every step of the way and ensure you have a successful pregnancy.


A normal vaginal discharge is your typical colorless, light yellow, or whity substance that has a thin, watery, or creamy consistency. The discharge is usually odorless or only has slight odor.

This discharge is usually the cervical mucus that is released due to hormone changes. It might also be the residual fluid of the IUI procedure.

Here are some of the most common factors that cause vaginal discharge after IUI.

  • Cervical mucus
  • Residual fluid after IUI procedure
  • Inflammation or irritation 

Here are some other positive signs after IUI that can indicate a positive pregnancy. 

  • Vaginal bleeding or light spotting
  • Changes in breast tenderness
  • Frequent uriination
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue and tiredness
  • Vaginal discharge

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