Prashanth Fertility Research Centre

All gynaecology treatments under one roof

From puberty to post-menopause, we are here to take care of all your issues related to gynaecology.

What Comes Under Gynaecology?

A gynaecologist specializes in caring for and treating a woman’s reproductive health right from her first period (puberty) to her post-menopause. They treat issues affecting the reproductive system, such as the cervix, vagina, uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. Any condition that can affect these organs, such as PCOS, endometriosis, irregular periods, cervical and breast problems, miscarriages, unplanned pregnancies, menopause, and other related issues, comes under gynaecology.


Gynaecology Facilities at PFRC

We, at PFRC, have highly experienced gynaecologists who will stay with you and guide you throughout your pregnancy period. Here are some facilities we provide to-be mothers who are waiting for their babies.

Facilities available during pregnancy
Labour and delivery facilities

Minimally Invasive Surgical Centre

Our surgical centre provides minimally invasive treatments for women with reproductive issues, from menstrual problems to urinary problems like incontinence, uterine and ovarian tumour, infertility, etc. Our dedicated team of expert gynaecologists perform these keyhole surgeries on a day-care basis.
At PFRC, we perform two minimally invasive surgeries for reproductive issues: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. Through these surgeries, we are able to treat issues like

During laparoscopy, our doctors will be able to identify and treat issues that arise on the outer layer of the reproductive organs, such as the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes.
Through laparoscopy, fibroids as large as 10cm can be removed through an incision as small as 1cm. This is done with the help of a morcellator, a device used to cut fibroids into smaller pieces.
In hysteroscopy, a hysteroscope, a thin tube with a camera is inserted through the vagina to view, diagnose, and treat the inside of the uterus and other reproductive organs.
Through hysteroscopy, our doctors can identify fibroids, polyps, and septums in the uterus that causes recurrent miscarriages.
To date, we have performed more than 10,000 successful surgeries with minimal pain and quick recovery rates.

Menopause Clinic

We have a fully functional group of specialists handling women who need special care and counselling during menopause.

Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic

We also have an empathetic support group to care for and treat women who have suffered recurrent miscarriages. Counselling and treatments are provided to these women so that they can go home happy with a healthy baby.

Antenatal Classes

At PFRC, we also conduct antenatal classes for pregnant mothers every month to provide information on




Monthly changes in pregnancy

Labour stages

Pain relief during labour

It also includes an exclusive session regarding cord blood banking. Antenatal and parent craft classes are held to help you cope with pregnancy, labour, and post natal period, and improves the chances of having a normal delivery.
These classes are completely free of cost and personal interactions are available at the end of each session.

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